When I was a little girl, I thought I was filled with magic. I grew up in the country, so I spent much of my time in nature. I quickly learned how being connected with animals and nature made me feel safe, connected and supported. I remember warm summer nights when I would induce an out of body experience. I would leave my body and fly around our property. I would sit on the top of the barn and look at the stars or listen to my dog snore as he slept in the yard. I would never go far because at that time, my world was very small.

As I grew into early adulthood, I learned that not everyone had the same skills as I did. As my intuition grew, I would connect with loved ones through my dreams and became more proficient at reading other people’s energies. I began to hear messages in my right ear, and experience memories of a life I didn’t remember. This led me to hypnosis. I had meditated for years, but hypnosis seemed to be more goal driven at the time. I attended an accredited Hypnosis School and earned my Hypnotherapy certification. I began my practice in 1993, providing inductions on phobias, stress, and past life regressions. I gained a deep understanding of how reincarnation works through my hypnosis experiences and my study of Buddhism.

Over the decades, I have continued to learn and grow in my own path. I have faced many monumental challenges in my life, but Spirit was with me every step of the way. I am no longer afraid of life’s challenges because I’ve learned that these things are happening for me, for my own expansion. This has brought me many blessings in my life.

I want to do the same for you. I want to share my knowledge and experience to help you look at life with wide-open eyes and a sense of awe, inspiration and gratitude.

Many blessings to you!